Personal Alarm for the elderly

Do your loved ones need extra support and help in their daily life? MiniFinder Nano Personal Alarm provides the elderly and people with functional variation with a safer and a more independent life.


Practical Design

Nano is comfortably worn around the wrist or around the neck with a lanyard.


Panic Button

Nano sends alarms to preset contacts or directly to the alarm center.



Several users can access the system to receive alarms and see positions.


GPS Personal Alarm for Extra Safety

GPS Personal Alarm for Extra Safety

MiniFinder Nano combines the traditional personal safety alarm with several smart functions through the MiniFinder GO tracking system. In addition to the alarm function, Nano also supports two-way communication.

With the personal safety alarm, the user can continue to live a safe and independent life, knowing that relatives will be informed if needed.

 click here learn more 

Safety Alarm Provides Peace of Mind

For many elderly people, good quality of life means the opportunity to stay in their own home and continue to be active and independent. Whether for daily assistance or temporary help, MiniFinder Nano provides the conditions for a safer way of life.

A reliable personal alarm brings greater freedom and independence to the elderly. It also brings peace of mind to close relatives and family members.

 click here view price 
Safety Alarm Provides Peace of Mind
Heart Rate Monitor

Heart Rate Monitor

Receive alarms if the pulse exceeds or falls below preset values.

Fall Alarm

Fall Alarm

Nano sends alarms automatically to contact persons or alarm centers in the event of a fall.

Call Function

Call Function

Nano supports two-way communication. Call to and from the authorized phone numbers.

Real-time Positioning

Real-time Positioning

Enable real-time tracking and see the user’s position via MiniFinder GO as soon as movement is detected.

Indoor Positioning

Indoor Positioning

Thanks to WiFi and Bluetooth, Nano has both indoors and outdoors positioning.

Geofence Alarm

Geofence Alarm

Create safe areas and receive alarms if a user crosses the boundary.

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