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https://minifinder.comThe GPS alarm from MiniFinder gives care recipients an opportunity to live a safe and free life, based on their own circumstances. Our services can also be used to optimize work in healthcare and the public sector.
The safety alarms of MiniFinder consist of several innovative functions and if necessary, the healthcare workers can see the users position in real time. The GPS technology of MiniFinder is effective and relieves the staff’s daily work.
The MiniFinder can be worn in many different ways, for example around the wrist as a watch or removed from its casing and be worn around the neck.
In order for the care recipients to feel safe in all situations, the unit is designed with a panic button. In the event of unexpected events, the alarm holder can send an alarm to selected recipients. For added security, our GPS alarms can be connected directly to an alarm center.
The units are equipped with a reliable call function, and the user can call preset phone numbers if needed. Thanks to the call function, relatives can also contact the alarm holder. It’s a safety measure that reduces the care recipients and relatives' concerns.
MiniFinder’s GPS alarm contains a fall alarm that increases the safety of unstable care recipients. If the accident occurs and the care recipient falls, the unit sends out an alarm notification. In this way, the recipients of the alarm can quickly assist the alarm holder.
As a further safety measure, we offer indoor positioning where the security alarms utilize WiFi networks to determine precise indoor locations. In cases where WiFi networks are unavailable, iBeacons can be installed throughout the building instead. iBeacons are small Bluetooth beacons that MiniFinder connects to in order to report positions.
Our security alarms offer easy alarm confirmation via the app, where you can confirm that the alarm has been received and addressed. If necessary, multiple people can join the alarm through multi-control, allowing both care staff and family members to view and manage alarms in real-time. This ensures that the right people receive information quickly and can take action.
The history feature also provides full visibility of previous alarms and actions, facilitating follow-up and providing security for both users and their loved ones.
MiniFinder's valued comprehensive solutions are used by more than 7,000 customers worldwide.